Galleries “Unirea” National High School

Hackathon Competition 2022

The competition UNIREA Hackathon 2022, organized by “Unirea” National High School of Târgu Mureș, took place between in the school’s festivity hall.

Hackathon Competition 2022 Gallery (Top 8)

Băbuţ Darius Sebastian, Secară Călin Bogdan, Cengher Mihai Liviu, Ţiţiu Claudiu and Popa Raluca Ioana
Băbuţ Darius Sebastian, Secară Călin Bogdan, Cengher Mihai Liviu, Ţiţiu Claudiu and Popa Raluca Ioana
Macarie Vlad, Gorea Denisa Maria, Petruţ Raul Sabin, Ugran Radu Andrei and Blaga Alexandra
Macarie Vlad, Gorea Denisa Maria, Petruţ Raul Sabin, Ugran Radu Andrei and Blaga Alexandra
Șandor Andrei Cristian, Başca Denisa Maria, Merdar Maria Mihaela, Ciorea Mihnea Ştefan and Hancu Alexandru Andrei
Șandor Andrei Cristian, Başca Denisa Maria, Merdar Maria Mihaela, Ciorea Mihnea Ştefan and Hancu Alexandru Andrei
Vulcu Radu Alexandru, Viţa Cristian, Macovei Cătălin Andrei, Căpăţînă Mark and Duicu Tudor
Vulcu Radu Alexandru, Viţa Cristian, Macovei Cătălin Andrei, Căpăţînă Mark and Duicu Tudor
Bălan Liliana, Bândilă Darius, Cerceş Maria Alexandra, Trifan Paula Maria and Morar Iulia Ştefana
Bălan Liliana, Bândilă Darius, Cerceş Maria Alexandra, Trifan Paula Maria and Morar Iulia Ştefana
Lateş Ovidiu Alexandru, Vajda Ingrid Evelin, Popescu Mihnea Daniel, Şuteu Tudor Ştefan and Lazăr Rareş
Lateş Ovidiu Alexandru, Vajda Ingrid Evelin, Popescu Mihnea Daniel, Şuteu Tudor Ştefan and Lazăr Rareş
Oltean Mario Raul, Mare Antonia Maria, Vlasiu Alesia, Suciaghi Denis and Drăgoi Mircea
Oltean Mario Raul, Mare Antonia Maria, Vlasiu Alesia, Suciaghi Denis and Drăgoi Mircea
General school inspector Pășcan Sabin Gavril, Bândilă Darius Mihai - team “LUMIX” and headmaster dr. Stănescu Aurora Manuela
General school inspector Pășcan Sabin Gavril, Bândilă Darius Mihai - team “LUMIX” and headmaster dr. Stănescu Aurora Manuela

Between “UNIREA” National High School organized the UNIREA Hackathon 2022 competition, part of the Erasmus+ project “Hackathon EU” (2020-1-ES01-KA202-082752), a project co-financed by the European Union.

The aim of this project is to allow the students to understand the challenges present within the ESTEAME courses (Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, Ecology), to encourage them to develop cross-abilities and key competences, as well as promoting the concept of “learning to learn”. The event tries to stimulate the students’ ability to express innovative ideas, to encourage them to work as a team, to develop of a way of thinking based on problem identification and creative solutions.

In this competition, the teams were made of 5 students from Mathematics-Computer Science, Intensive Computer Science profile. Each team was coordinated by a mentor teacher and was provided with the necessary technical equipment. The winner team will participate in the international competition, which will be held in Italy in 2023. This competition will have students coming from Spain, Italy, Portugal and Croatia, as well as the winning team from our school.

The topic of the UNIREA Hackathon 2022 competition was: Revitalization of the social and cultural life of Târgu Mureș. The teams: The Leftovers: Băbuţ Darius Sebastian, Cengher Mihai Liviu, Popa Raluca Ioana, Secară Călin Bogdan and Ţiţiu Claudiu (mentor – headmaster dr. Stănescu Aurora Manuela), SolveIT: Drăgoi Mircea, Mare Antonia Maria, Oltean Mario Raul, Suciaghi Denis and Vlasiu Alesia (mentor – deputy headmaster Pastia Corina), LUMIX: Bălan Liliana, Bândilă Darius, Cerceş Maria Alexandra, Morar Iulia Ştefana and Trifan Paula Maria (mentor – teacher Chira Cristiana), Toro Rosso: Blaga Alexandra, Gorea Denisa Maria, Macarie Vlad, Petruţ Raul Sabin and Ugran Radu Andrei (mentor – teacher Costea Adrian Andrei), FIXD: Căpăţînă Mark, Duicu Tudor, Macovei Cătălin Andrei, Viţa Cristian and Vulcu Radu Alexandru (mentor – teacher Negrea Anamaria), A.C.O.R.D.: Başca Denisa Maria, Ciorea Mihnea Ştefan, Hancu Alexandru Andrei, Merdar Maria Mihaela and Șandor Andrei Cristian (mentor – teacher Pintilie Tünde), R.I.T.M.O.: Lateş Ovidiu Alexandru, Lazăr Rareş, Popescu Mihnea Daniel, Şuteu Tudor Ştefan and Vajda Ingrid Evelin (mentor – teacher Csifó László Loránd).

The 7 teams presented the projects in front of a jury formed by Associate professor dr. Modrea Arina and lecturer Kutasi Réka – University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology “George Emil Palade”, Tălmăcean Cristian – manager at Business Foundation Consulting Group, school inspector Turcu Anca – Mureș County school inspectorate, respectively Oltean Ovidiu – informatician at Colegiul Economic Transilvania.

Following a deliberation, team “LUMIX” came out 1st, team “R.I.T.M.O” 2nd and team ”Toro Rosso” 3rd.

The content of the Hackathon Competition 2022 gallery is 28 pictures. The gallery upload date was . The gallery last update date was . The pictures package number of downloads was 171.

galery80 Gallery Hackathon Competition 2022 (28 pictures)

mecsigla M E RMinistry of Education

Târgu Mureș “Unirea” National High School Romania