The National Robotics Competition, organized by the “Unirea” National High School, took place place between – at the headquarters of LATERAL Company in Tîrgu Mureș.
“Unirea” National High School organized the first edition of the “RObots BOosts Skills” National Robotics Competition, part of the Erasmus+ European project (2017-1-ES01-KA202-038277).
The following educational institutions participated in the competition: “Vasile Lucaciu” National High School Baia Mare (coordinating teacher Teşileanu Laura), International Theoretical High School of Informatics București (tutor teacher Ferhat Travaci), “Constantin Brâncuși” Tehnical High School Petrila (tutor teacher Cîndea Nicoleta), “Unirea” National High School Focșani (accompanying teacher Mohonea Marius) and “Unirea” National High School Tîrgu Mureș (organizing teacher Lupaescu Constantin). The event was also attended by Ms. Chira Cristiana, the headmaster of Mureş Didactic Corp House (Teacher Training Center), as institutional partner of the project and Mr. Potcoavă Mihai, from LATERAL Company.
The winning team of all three sections of the contest was the Blue Team: Văduva Denisa Maria (“Vasile Lucaciu” National High School Baia Mare), Mocanu Alexandru Iulian (International Theoretical High School of Informatics București), Negrean Cristian Alexandru (“Constantin Brâncuși” Tehnical High School Petrila), Vlad Vasile (“Unirea” National High School Focșani) and Kovacs Paul Adrian (“Unirea” National High School Tîrgu Mureș).
The content of the Robotics Competition 2019 gallery is 30 pictures. The gallery upload date was . The gallery last update date was . The pictures package number of downloads was 56.
M E RMinistry of Education
Târgu Mureș “Unirea” National High School Romania