The graduation ceremony of 2018 classes at “Unirea” National High School of Tîrgu Mureş took place on in the Polyvalent Hall. The seven graduating classes were: XII A, XII B, XII C, XII D, XII E, XII F and XII G.
The 2018 graduating classes and class masters at “Unirea” National High School were: XII A (Mathematics-Informatics) – Hecser Enikő Krisztina, XII B (Nature Sciences) – dr. Bakó Aliz Tünde, XII C (Nature Sciences) – Cimpoi Stela, XII D (Social Sciences) – Marin Marius Sebastian, XII E (Philology) – Motorga Maria, XII F (Social Sciences) – Rus Laura, XII G (Social Sciences) – Murvai Béla.
The content of the Graduation ceremony 2018 gallery is 40 pictures. The gallery upload date was . The gallery last update date was . The pictures package number of downloads was 174.
M E RMinistry of Education
Târgu Mureș “Unirea” National High School Romania