The “Unirea” National High School’s Freshmen’s Prom, based on the theme “Union Country” was held on in the Tîrgu Mureş National Theatre.
The jury included the following jurors: teachers Suciu Stanca, Kozma Tamás, Lazin Cristina, Blaga Cristinel, Baciu-Marinescu Petru, dr. Florea Iuliu, Farkas Iván, headmaster Boar Teodora and the XII graders Constantinescu Medeea Maria and Zajzon-Bodis Tamás. The Freshmen’s Prom’s 2014 winners were Dan Mara Maria and Răuţă Radu Cătălin. Other prizes were also awarded to the following competitors: Apofăian Mara and Mărginean Raul Daniel (II prize), Molnar Călin Dragoş and Morar Alis (III prize), Dobre Eduard Şerbanand Tăurean Andreea Henrietta (popularity prize). The other competitors were Biriş Bianca, Birta Vlad Mihai, Făgăraş Andreea Ariana, Lazăr Bianca, Marosher Sergiu, Ormenişan Dragoş Ion, Székely Erik and Vasu Andrada Luisa.
The content of the Freshmen’s Prom 2014 gallery is 79 pictures. The gallery upload date was . The gallery last update date was . The pictures package number of downloads was 171.
M E RMinistry of Education
Târgu Mureș “Unirea” National High School Romania