Educational Offer
From one generation to another, continuity builds tradition, and when this passes values, the process obtains the certainty of accomplishment.
The whole educational profile of the “Unirea” National High School offers guarantee for success through its opening.
Educational Offer 2023-2024
- Mathematics-Informatics Intensive Informatics, Sciences profile, Romanian section (26 places)
- Nature Sciences Intensive English, Sciences profile, Romanian section (26 places)
- Natural Sciences Intensive German-French, Sciences profile, Romanian section (26 places)
- Social Sciences Intensive English, Languages and Arts profile, Romanian section (26 places)
- Philology Bilingual English, Languages and Arts profile, Romanian section (26 places)
School Curriculum
- Chemical Substances used in Criminology (Chira Cristiana)
- Critical thinking (Ilioasa Liviu)
- Developmental psychology and methods of self-knowledge (Tăban Claudia)
- Education for Career (Tăban Claudia)
- Education for Health (Branea Cristina Maria, Suciu Stanca)
- European Thinking in Latin language and culture (Zidărescu Ioana)
- Fit for the German Certificate (Boar Teodora)
- General and special Histology (Suciu Stanca)
- Geography of the European Union (Marin Marius Sebastian)
- Greco-Roman Elements of culture and civilization (Zidărescu Ioana)
- Hebrew History and the Civilization. The Holocaust (Paşca Simion Mihai)
- History of Communism in Romania (Paşca Simion Mihai)
- I want my DELF diploma (Rus Laura)
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (Mărginean Manuela)
- Learning the German language with fun and song (Boar Teodora)
- Literary trends and ideologies (Motorga Maria)
- Local Geography (Pop Florin)
- Local History (Paşca Simion Mihai)
- Mathematics otherwise (Blaga Cristinel, Comșa Maria Letiţia, Hecser Enikő Krisztina, Negrea Anamaria)
- Media competence (Rad Mihaela Sorina)
- Methods and techniques for solving Baccalaureate problems (Negrea Anamaria)
- Project Management (Chira Cristiana)
- The English language - Welcome (Iacov Hermina Maria)
- Volley-ball (Bakó Aliz Tünde)