The “Unirea” National High School’s Freshmen’s Prom, based on the theme “Addams Family” was held on in the Tîrgu Mureş National Theatre.
Normal, natural, ordinary, abnormal, unnatural, unusual… what is the difference? “What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly”. Every 366 nights, when the first rusty leaf detaches from the oldest tree in the mansion’s courtyard and falls, we gather to honor the great cycle of life, celebrating the regenerative nature of generations and, especially, new beginnings.
The great family in “Unirea” mansion moved for several hours in the main hall of the National Theatre to celebrate Wednesday and Pugsley Addams’s birthday. There, all of us,… living, dead, or undecided learned what it means to be an Addams, because: “When you’re year Addams… it’s family first, it’s family last and family by and by”, the family being the most precious thing that unites us.
The jury included the following jurors: headmaster dr. Stănescu Aurora Manuela, teachers Branea Cristina Maria, Suciu Stanca, Rad Mihaela Sorina and the XII graders Musgociu Alexandra and Peter Patrick Calvin, and also Iancu Laurean Costin (sponsor). The Freshmen’s Prom’s 2016 winners were Negovan Adalia Maria and Soțan Ioachim. Other prizes were also awarded to the following competitors: Miclea-Şerban Sandra Axenia and Moldovan Radu Cătălin (II prize), Kiss Diana Carina şi Toncian Rareş Adrian (III prize), Togănel Ana Carina and Jîrcan Alexandru Alin (popularity prize), respectively Rusu Alexandra Gianina (Caius special prize). The other competitors were Bentea Bogdan, Căluşer Bianca Claudia, Farcaş Rareş Ionuţ, Mureșan Radu Patric, Olar Maria Bianca, Petcu Alexandra Carina, Strejac Ioan Achim, Şimon Ada Ariana and Ungurean Rareş.
The content of the Freshmen's Prom 2016 gallery is 68 pictures. The gallery upload date was . The gallery last update date was . The pictures package number of downloads was 173.
M E RMinistry of Education
Târgu Mureș “Unirea” National High School Romania