The page presents the list of Erasmus+ Projects where the “Unirea” National High School in Târgu Mureş participated / coordinated over the years. For more details on these projects, please refer to the references.
“Unirea” National High School from Târgu Mureș is the coordinator of the Erasmus+ project, KA2, “Recover outdated machines using Arduino for scaling up ESTEAM and green skills in VET students. (ROMUAS)” 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000033036.
The idea for the project was born from the will of the partnership to create an effective and repeatable model at European level of teaching new tools and skills to the VET students and recent graduates in scientific and technological field and VET for scaling up their skills, in order to support employment and promote social cohesion in anticipation of society and the world of work of tomorrow.
The objectives of the project are:
Project partners:
Start date of the project , End date of the project .
“Unirea” National High School is a partner in the project.
The “DS4All” project runs for two years, during which partners will transfer innovative experiences with the main objective of experimenting with innovative teaching methodologies integrated with digital tools, in an inclusive perspective, a reflection on teaching programming capable of “changing the rules of the game”, making distance learning fit and easy, without giving up its important educational task.
The added value that the activities will bring consists in the possibility to experiment of educational leaders, teachers, educators, teaching tutors, trainers and VET designers, new digital tools and methodologies for improving the integrated teaching, for the benefit of the students.
Thanks to “DS4All” there will be a real dialogue, a fusion of professionalism, needs and intentions: the consequence of this integration will be a change in teaching in more experiential and proactive ways, able to promote effectiveness beyond students’ reflexivity in learning, also thanks to the strengthening of their digital skills.
The results of the project consist of:
Project coordinator: Associazione Detto e Fatto, Italy.
Partners: Croatia, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Spain.
Start date of the project , End date of the project .
“Unirea” National High School is one of the partners of the project.
The aim of EU HACKATHON project is to allow VET students to understand ESTEAME challenging subjects, encourage them to develop transversal skills and key competences such as digital competences, innovation, critical thinking and problem solving, learning to learn.
Using ESTEAME concepts in VET School, VET students will grow their ideas, and make their own creations through playful learning experiences applying ESTEAME concepts, promoting gender equality, personal fulfillment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship and employment participating in EU HACKATHON Project.
The results of the project consist of:
The EU HACKATHON project represents for “Unirea” National High School a new opportunity to make itself known at European level but also to have a greater involvement in the community by promoting collaborative learning among teachers and students.
Project partners:
For more information consult the official website of the project:
Start date of the project , End date of the project .
“Unirea” National High School is one of the partners of the project.
The general objective of the project is to promote the efficient use of social networks and ICT tools, in order to increase employment for graduates of VET (Vocational Education and Training).
The specific objectives of the project are to develop the ICT skills of the VET students and teachers and the use of social networks; creating a learning community comprising educational institutions, decision-makers and firms in order to harmonize job demand and supply, through the use of ICT tools and social networks; the use of mentoring and learning strategies through which mentors will provide support in the use of social networks and ICT tools, in order to increase employment opportunities; training students who will also become digital trainers.
The results of the project consist of: a collection of video lessons that will teach students how to create a digital identity, using social networks in order to find a job; a gallery featuring video testimonials; a web page of the project created by the Italian partners, a Facebook page that students will be able to access in order to ask questions and socialize with students from partner institutions and with trainers.
The “Coaching interpairs for employment” project represents for “Unirea” National High School a new opportunity to make itself known at European level but also to have a greater involvement in the community by increasing the interest towards the collaboration with companies and authorities responsible for promoting the jobs that exist on the market.
Project partners:
For more information, please consult the official website of the project:
Start date of the project , End date of the project .
The preparation of the Erasmus+ KA2 ROBOTS Project – RObots Boosts Skills in which “Unirea” National High School is a partner, has as its general objective to enable students that study ESTEAM (Entrepreneurship Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics) subjects to develop transversal skills and key competences such as digital competences, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving and independent learning. Students will develop their ideas and develop their own creations through learning experiences by applying ESTEAM concepts, promoting equality, personal fulfillment and development, social inclusion, active citizenship, and engaging in the digital age using robots.
The question we often ask ourselves as ESTEAM teachers is how important it is to work collaboratively to make learning more effective. The first thing to keep in mind is that group work improves student involvement and participation, mainly because of their active role in lessons. Students should not be silent spectators; on the contrary, they are encouraged to actively participate in class. Confucius said: “I have heard and forgottent, I see and remember, I do and understand,” and this is probably the slogan that summarizes the importance of active learning methodology.
Project partners:
For more information, please consult the official website of the project:
Start date of the project , End date of the project .
“Unirea” National High School is the coordinator of a European project named Gender Equality and Entrepreneurship for All, an Erasmus+ funded project, VET – Strategic Partnerships , KA2 Action. There are seven institutions (schools and associations) involved in the project, of which two institutions are from Romania and five institutions from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece respectively. The project will be implemented over a period of 24 months.
By providing a new approach to the development of transversal skills such as entrepreneurship related to gender equality, linked with a training program, teachers and students will benefit from an innovative way of teaching: active, student-centered methods and activities that use real-world practical opportunities.
Preparing students and students for an independent, confident, creative, innovative attitude will ultimately lead to the development of skills that will enable them to adapt easily to a changing society.
Project partners:
The project offers the opportunity to promote Romanian values and innovative approaches in entrepreneurial education, in a knowledge society.
Start date of the project , End date of the project .
M E RMinistry of Education
Târgu Mureș “Unirea” National High School Romania